Domestic Dispute Causes Chain Reaction That Ends in Death

What started out as a possible domestic dispute ended in an indirect death Tuesday night.

Two accidents that were miles apart and involving a total of nine vehicles occurred between the hours of 11:00 PM and midnight last night. The first accident took place after a car containing a male and a female were driving down the highway at speeds of over a 100 MPH when they clipped a minivan occupied by the mother driving and her five children. The two cars consequently flipped and all of the five children were ejected from the minivan as none of them were reportedly wearing seat belts. All five were air lifted to the local hospital where two have sustained serious injuries. It is believed that the couple in the other car began their 100 MPH dangerous adventure with a domestic dispute which motivated the erratic, hazardous driving.

About forty-five minutes later, the second crash would take place as a result of the backed up traffic caused by the aforementioned accident. Seven cars would be involved as a commercial truck would crash into another commercial truck causing a chain reaction that didn’t end until four vehicles and another commercial truck were collided into. The driver of the truck that caused the crash was killed in the fire that resulted when his truck burst into flames after the initial impact. Everyone else is not expected to face such a fate.

This sad tragedy, manifested in the actions of one driver, has caused one man his life and numerous other serious trips to the hospital. As a result, the driver of causing car in the first accident is being charged with aggravated assault. The autoist’s emotional driving will ultimately affect the rest of his life now. However, a skilled criminal defense attorney can make sure that their client gets their due process as their rights are represented and their freedom is pursued.

If you or someone you know is being charged with a criminal offense, obtain an experienced Phoenix defense attorney now who can begin working to get the charges either dropped or lessened. There are many strategies to be exercised before a criminal is duly convicted. Do not let a bad thing get worse because you did not get an attorney who was relentlessly willing to exercise all these strategies and fight on your behalf.

Police Shoot “Attack Dog” in Bizarre Arrest of Owner

Criminal AttorneyThe incident happened just after 11:00p.m. Thursday night as officers attempted to pull over a truck for trying to force another vehicle off the road.

Officer Strickland, in response to the 911 call made by the victim, caught up with the mess at the intersection of I90 and S.W Baya Drive.

Strickland noted that as he tried to pull the truck over, the driver, 47 year-old Timothy Schultz, refused to stop while driving without headlights and sporadically hitting his brakes in a strange attempt to lose the officers tail.

Shultz eventually stopped in the front yard of his home in the 500 block of N.E. Jacksonville loop. Strickland said Shultz then exited his car and stood still and quiet as he stared at the officer.

After refusing the requests by officers to get on the ground, Shultz then opened the backseat door of his truck releasing a German Shepherd that aggressively ran towards the officers.

Out of what officers claim to be self-defense, the dog had to be fatally shot.

Officers then turned their attention to the owner who was still being uncooperative. Strickland said he then used his Taser on Shultz, but to his surprise had no effect. Shultz then attempted to pull the prongs out as another officer had to hit him with the second Taser that finally subdued the suspect.

Shultz was then brought in to the station where he refused a blood alcohol content test thus automatically suspending his license for 12 months.

Nonetheless, it was discovered at the station that this was not an isolated and uncommon display by Timothy Shultz.

Authorities say he was on bail for a similar altercation at a car dealership where Shultz had to be Tasered and could only be subdued by the use of additional pepper spray.

Ultimately Shultz faces a grocery list of charges which include several counts of reckless driving, refusing arrest, assault, intent to commit a felony, animal cruelty, and so much more. With countless criminal charges pending against him, and an insatiable appetite for participating in strange criminal behavior, Mr. Shultz will need the legal counsel of a skilled criminal defense attorney to have a fighting chance of not going to jail. Phoenix aggravated assault defense law firm The Law Offices of Howard A. Snader, LLC recommend obtaining legal representation immediately after being accused or arrested for aggravated assault, weapons charges, fleeing the police, attacking the police, or any other violent crime. The sooner you retain counsel, the better chance you have of finding weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.

Woman Accused of Killing Her Boyfriend

Murder Defense in PhoenixShayna Hubers, the 21-year-old woman accused of shooting her boyfriend to death, has been denied another bond decrease.

According to police, Hubers fired fatal shots at her boyfriend Ryan Poston, 29. Police received a phone call from Hubers 15 minutes after the shots were fired at Poston’s apartment, telling authorities that Poston had stopped breathing. Hubers told police that she killed Poston in self defense, and that she first shot him in his face and then again to put him out of his misery.

Hubers was originally sent to jail with a $2 million bond. Hubers’ attorney Wil Zeverly later asked the visiting judge, Judge David Hayse, to reduce her bond to $100,000 because she is considered low-risk and carries no criminal record. Judge Hayse denied the request, but did reduce the bond to $1 million. However, early Wednesday morning the bond reset once again, this time to $5 million by the choice of Judge Karen Thomas.

Zeverly states that “The only thing Shayna is guilty of is bad taste in men.” Poston’s family responded to Zeverly’s statement, saying “Please keep in mind that the real victim in this tragedy is Ryan Poston, not the woman who shot him multiple times. Anyone who ever knew Ryan knows her claims of self-defense are absurd. We look forward to the day when the truth comes out in a court of law, not from the mouth of a criminal defense lawyer trying his case in the media.” If you attempt to murder a person, fail and are caught, then you are going to need aggressive and skilled criminal defense counsel from criminal defense attorney, Howard A. Snader. Mr. Snader has created compelling arguments in defense of his clients by questioning the handling of evidence, interviewing witnesses and launching private investigations.


DNA Match Leads to Arrest of Sex Offender

Fox News 10 ran a story about 43yr old Hilton Ray Westover’s arrest recently. Westover was accused of sexually assaultinga thirteen year old girl in northern Arizona. Authorities were able to arrest Westover after the there was a successful DNA match to evidence that was submitted to detectives. Detectives began the investigation when the 13 year old girl’s family reported to authorities that the girl had been inappropriately touched by Westover.  At the time of arrest Westover admitted to the crimes and was booked into jail on charges of sexual conduct with a minor and sexual assault.

Sex crimes in Arizona are still a serious matter even though the state’s registry system has fallen behind the rest of the nation. Anyone charged with a sex crime should know that there are serious consequences associated with such crimes. Not to mention having to live with the stigma of being a sex offender. Serious charges like the ones above need serious representation. It is imperative to your case to hire a criminal defense lawyer at The Law Offices of Howard A. Snader, LLC to handle your case. Do not wait until it is to late, without legal help you are severely outmatched by the Arizona legal system.

Arizona among states not meeting sex offender law

Criminal Defense PhoenixAs many as five states, including Arizona, have given up on a 2006 federal law that requires them to join a nationwide effort to track and register sex offenders, citing that the program would be more of a financial burden on individuals states than accepting federal grants for law enforcement, as states would have to overhaul their sex offender registration systems to comply.

Thirty-four states have failed to meet the conditions of the program while 5 have decided that they would not participate in the nationwide program expected to help lower sex offense incidents. Among those states declining a 10% federal funding are Arizona, Arkansas, California, Nebraska and Texas.

Arizona: Rejected law in 2009, determining that it would cost $2 million to fulfill all requirements. Forfeited federal funding amount: $146,700

Arkansas: Lawmakers unwilling to comply with requirements, despite losing $226,000 in federal funding

California: As the nation’s most populous state, lost $800,000 in funding this year, but a 2008 report states that complying with the program would cost nearly $32 million

Texas: After two years of hearings, a Senate committee determined that the loss of $1.4 million in federal funding was inconsequential compared to the cost to implement changes, which would have exceeded $38 million.

States with less stringent registration requirements and the five who have not complied with the program have become “havens”, as many offenders have moved to states with relaxed rules. Many critics of the program have stated that sex offenders, pedophiles and the like are going to offend no matter the rules, distance from schools and any other program the nation tries to implement.

Being convicted of a sexual offense can have serious consequences. Not only does one live with the stigma of being accused with a sexual offense, but if convicted a person must register with the State’s database to alert communities of their whereabouts. If you have been charged with a sex crime in Phoenix, Arizona, it is crucial to your case to hire a criminal defense lawyer at The Law Offices of Howard A. Snader, LLC to defend your rights and protect your future. Often times, people who have been arrested for a sex crime, will not hire representation until it is too late. Do not attempt to go it alone. Get the vigorous defense that you deserve.

Ambulance Theft Leads to Police Chase

26-year-old Joni Marie Sweet is under custody after stealing an Ambulance and leading police on high speed chase from Phoenix to Glendale.

The incident happened just before 5p.m. last Friday at Phoenix Baptist Hospital. The Southwest Ambulance attendants left the keys in and the vehicle running to keep the air-conditioner flowing while they retrieved a patient for transportation. Joni Marie Sweet, who was allegedly  under the influence of prescription medication, decided to hop in and steal the vehicle.

Police officials and a helicopter followed Sweet as she made her way out of Phoenix to Glendale. Authorities got a hold of her through the ambulances dispatch as she made her way back to Phoenix yelling that she refused to stop.

Eventually a road block put the chase to an end and only $3,000 worth in damages were reported to the Ambulance in the aftermath.

Sweet now faces charges of motor vehicle theft, criminal damage and a prescription drug violation.

The important thing to take from this is that we all make mistakes. If you or someone you know is being accused or charged of a crime, do not forfeit your right to competent legal representation. Contact a defense attorney who can get you the best resolution and justice possible.

Drunk Driver Plows Through 8 Cars

A drunk driver was discovered to have a blood alcohol content of .275 after a joyride through Phoenix.

It took 8 different cars and over a half mile stretch of road to finally stop Jorge Silva-Santana’s 2007 Infinity. The incident happened at around 3:00p.m Tuesday along 43rd and India School Ave. Witnesses say Sanatana was recklessly going up to 70 mph north on the  southbound lanes of the street as hit plowed into 8 different cars.

The aftermath left the Infinity on only 3 wheels and a fiery mess. Luckily, the injuries suffered were not considered life threatening as paramedics were able to treat everyone on the scene.

The 42 year-old Santana was over three times the legal BAC limit and faces extreme DUI charges as well as countless other traffic and safety violations.

If you find yourself in a similar situation you should seek the help of an experienced Arizona criminal lawyer.

Accidents like these happen and people make mistakes. Aside from criminal charges, you could also be facing lawsuits from the other parties involved . Though reports claim that no one was seriously injured in the accident, injury lawyers drool over cases like these.

Don’t be taken advantage of, find an experienced defense lawyer who will protect your rights.


Know Your Miranda Rights

The Miranda rights were created in 1966 as the result of the United States Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona. In this case, after defendant Ernesto Miranda was convicted of rape and sentenced to two concurrent 20-30 year terms. After his appeal was denied his case was taken pro bono to the Supreme Court. It was argued that Miranda’s right to counsel was violated as long as his Fifth Amendment right not to make any self-incriminating statements. Chief Justice Earl Warren agreed that his right to seek counsel was, in fact, violated and set forth the stipulation that any person in custody must be clearly informed of their rights.

Miranda rights must be read to a suspect after a custodial arrest and prior to an investigation. They are as follows:
•    You have the right to remain silent
•    Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
•    You have the right to an attorney
•    If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you

When police question a suspect in custody without giving the Miranda warning, any statement or confession made is presumed to be involuntary. Such statements cannot be used against the suspect in a criminal case. Violation of Miranda rights is only helpful to a suspect if the they are interrogated regarding the crime, he/she confesses to the crime, and the prosecution seeks to introduce the confession into evidence against the defendant. Any evidence discovered as a result of that statement will also likely be thrown out of the case.

If you are arrested in the state of Arizona, and are not read your Miranda rights and given a chance to seek out legal advice from a criminal lawyer then your rights have been violated. Thanks to this monumental case you must be read your rights in every state upon being placed under arrest.