26-year-old Joni Marie Sweet is under custody after stealing an Ambulance and leading police on high speed chase from Phoenix to Glendale.

The incident happened just before 5p.m. last Friday at Phoenix Baptist Hospital. The Southwest Ambulance attendants left the keys in and the vehicle running to keep the air-conditioner flowing while they retrieved a patient for transportation. Joni Marie Sweet, who was allegedly  under the influence of prescription medication, decided to hop in and steal the vehicle.

Police officials and a helicopter followed Sweet as she made her way out of Phoenix to Glendale. Authorities got a hold of her through the ambulances dispatch as she made her way back to Phoenix yelling that she refused to stop.

Eventually a road block put the chase to an end and only $3,000 worth in damages were reported to the Ambulance in the aftermath.

Sweet now faces charges of motor vehicle theft, criminal damage and a prescription drug violation.

The important thing to take from this is that we all make mistakes. If you or someone you know is being accused or charged of a crime, do not forfeit your right to competent legal representation. Contact a defense attorney who can get you the best resolution and justice possible.